Author Guidelines
To maintain the standard of writing style of the article that will be published in CAKRAWALA, author is recommended to read this author guidelines. The template can be downloaded from the right panel of this site.
General guidelines are as follows:
The article should follow the APA 7th ed. writing style in citing and referencing.
- To maintain the consistency in citing and referencing, author is recommended to use a reference manager application, such as Zotero or Mendeley.
Submissions should report on research conducted using rigorous qualitative or quantitative methods or a mix of both, which should be described in appropriate detail as part of the article. Submissions reporting on survey research should include a copy of the data collection instrument as an appendix. Submissions using a case study approach should include a description of how the case study can be generalized to other situations.
- Introduction: Background and introduction to the paper and why the work was carried out.
- Literature Review: An overview of relevant literature, summarising previous work in the area and highlighting the gaps and where this work fits in.
- Aims: Aims of the paper/research—it is useful to include the research question(s) used to frame the research study.
- Methods: How the study was conducted—this should provide enough information for someone to replicate the study, such as how the data were collected and analyzed.
- Results: The main findings from the study should be presented clearly and concisely.
- Discussion: A discussion of the findings from the study set in the context of the wider literature or issues arising from the study. Note any problems or limitations with the study, how these could have affected your results, and how they could be avoided in future studies.
- Conclusion: A summary of what was undertaken and what was discovered—this should not contain any new information but rather describe how the aims of the study were achieved.
Research articles may be up to 5000 words in length, excluding references, tables, figures, and any appendices. A total of no more than six tables and/or figures is recommended. A paper presenting extensive and rigorous qualitative analysis may be considered even if it exceeds the word count limit. Please check with the Associate Editors (Research Articles) if you are interested in submitting a research paper manuscript that is longer than 5000 words.