PERSPEKTIF: Journal of Social and Library Science is a double-blind peer-reviewed publication devoted to disseminating all information contributing to the understanding and development of social humanities and library information science. Articles published on research results and literature review with acceptable research methodologies, qualitative studies, quantitative studies, or a combination of both, statistical analysis, case studies, field research, and historical studies. PERSPEKTIF received manuscripts from various related circles, such as relevant researchers, professors, students, policy-makers, scientists, and others.
The writings at PERSPEKTIF will significantly contribute to critical thinking in the area of social humanities and library science. The scope of the fields contained in PERSPEKTIF covers the following areas:
Sociology: Research on social structures, social interactions, social change, social mobility, social groups, and contemporary social issues.
Library and Information Studies. Research on digital library, information literacy, knowledge management, bibliometrics/infometrics, information society, information searching behaviour and other related areas
Anthropology: Studies on culture, society, identity, cultural change, traditions, and comparative cultural analysis.
Social Psychology: Research on individual behavior in social contexts, social perception, attitudes, social norms, social influence, stereotypes, prejudice, and group dynamics.
Cultural Studies: Research on popular culture, media, literature, arts, music, film, cultural identity, and the influence of culture on society.
Linguistics: Research on language and communication, including discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, pragmatics, and applied linguistics.
Social Economics: Research on the social dimensions of economics, including social inequality, social justice, public policy, sustainable development, and creative economy.
Politics: Studies on political systems, public policy, governance, political participation, political conflicts, and contemporary political issues.
Address: Jln. Tuasan Gg. Kasturi No. 3 Medan Tembung, Indonesia
Contact : perspektif.journal@gmail.com
PERSPEKTIF: Journal of Social and Library Science is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.