Author Guidelines


  • First part: title, authors, abstract
  • Main part: introduction, literature review, develop a hypothesis
  • Ending part: acknowledgment (if any), symbols description (if any), and references


  • The title is written by capital words (Title Case/Capital Each Word), bold, with a font of Cambria 14, single space, and center text
  • The authors name placed under the title and written without a degree. It starts with a capital word and italic (avoid using “by” before the author's name). Author sequence is a first author then followed by second author etc
  • Institution address and email written under authors name with a font of Cambria 11


  • The abstract is written in  English , which contain an introduction, how the study was conducted, the results, etc
  • The maximum words in the abstract are no more than 250-300 words and written with single space
  • Justify text with a font of time news roman 11
  • The abstract using format structured abstract
  1. Background
  2. Methods
  3. Results
  4. Discussion
  5. Conclusion
  • Every section has to write in bold
  • Keywords consist of 3 – 5 words, the word “Keywords” also has to write in bold


  • Every section in a manuscript is written with a font of time news roman 12, using capital words and bold
  • First sentence a new paragraph is written with indent-first line 0.75 cm, and there is no space between paragraphs
  • The content of the manuscript is written with a font of time news roman 12 without using bold
  • Words from a foreign language are written italic
  • Every numeral words have to write in a number, except at the beginning of paragraph and integers that less than ten Tables and pictures must have a clear description and serial number. Numbering use center text format and placed above the table and for a picture, it placed below


Reference format using APA. All literature that put in references must contain in a manuscript. Literatures preferred from the last 10 years and 80% from journals. The Style can download here

Reference must use management references like Mendeley or Zotero and following the style Jurnal Contagion and the template