Gambaran Pengetahuan Masyarakat Terhadap Gizi di Kecamatan Binjai Utara
Nutrition, Community, Nutritional status, MalnutritionAbstract
In every phase of human life, nutrition plays an important role and will cause health problems if ignored. The first 1,000 days of life is a crucial phase for an individual characterized by rapid growth and development. Nutritional disorders that occur in this period will be permanent and difficult to recover if only by meeting nutritional needs in the next phase of life. Nutritional status is a description of the state of the body as a result of the absorption and use of nutrients. Nutritional status is one of the important factors that can affect the growth and development of toddlers. This study aims to analyze the description of residents' knowledge about nutrition, its types and its functions for the body in the North Binjai sub-district. This type of research is quantitative with a cross sectional research design. Sampling was done with simple random sampling technique and obtained a total sample of 50 respondents. Data collection techniques were carried out by direct interviews with respondents. randomly selected from various age groups and socio-economic backgrounds. This study aims to describe the knowledge of residents regarding nutrition in the North Binjai area. Nutritional knowledge is an important aspect in supporting public health and preventing various diseases. The results showed that the level of nutrition knowledge of residents of North Binjai varied. Most respondents have a basic understanding of the importance of balanced nutrition and its impact on health. However, there are still some misconceptions related to nutritious food sources and the right proportion in daily consumption. Factors such as education, access to information, and economy have a significant effect on the level of nutritional knowledge.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Hafizah Hafni Siregar, Dela Amanda Harahap, Lutfi Fakhriansyah, Mutiara Ayu Situmorang, Fitria Revalina, Saidah Fatimah Sari Simanjuntak (Author)
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